Figure Skating

Try Skating for FREE!
Sign up for one of two classes on May 10th, 2025 and try either Figure Skating or Hockey for FREE!

Figure Skating / Freestyle Sessions

Half hour session


10 Session Punch Card*

(Buy 9 sessions, get 1 FREE!)


50 Session Punch Card*

(Buy 50 sessions, get an additional 10% discount!)


*Punch passes are non-transferable and will expire 365 days from the date of purchase.

All freestyle sessions are 30 minutes in length and skaters must be in Freeskate 1 or above to skate without a private lesson coach.

Freestyle Registration (to use pre-paid passes, use the schedule)

Our Virtual Testing Freestyle Sessions are specially designed for skaters preparing to record their videos for official U.S. Figure Skating virtual test sessions. These 30-minute sessions provide a low-traffic environment to help skaters meet the required filming conditions and are currently priced at $20.

Virtual Testing Freestyle Registration (must pre-register online)